New Organisation | New Work

“When it comes to our work in the future, we should strive to make it a successful future.” – is what we say in regards to our focus-topics new ways of working or “new work” as it is called everywhere.

In our perspective, many principles and perspectives of this new way of working offer an ideal opportunity to better understand and shape the way into the future in the trials and tribulations of a VUCA world.

However, we prefer to speak of “ReNew your Work”, because all facets of New Work, which is based on the thoughts and concepts of Frithjof Bergmann from the 1980s, cannot be put into practice.

The changes in the world confront us with the question of how we deal with complexity, uncertainty, instability and ambiguity and how we ourselves and our organisations respond to them. It sounds simple, however, more trust and collaboration, better perception and more agile action, creating understanding through orientation and transparency, more creative experimentation and more ability for self-direction are not easy to achieve – but they are the much-needed ingredients of an organization that wants to redefine its work.  

The good news is that a new way of working based on these principles has an immediate effect and contributes directly to and helps us to meet our complex future challenges. In addition to digital, collaborative tools, this includes new team-oriented working methods and an individual understanding of one’s own tasks. As an employee or manager, I need to know at all times in which working atmosphere – e.g. creative-worker or power-worker – I am, in order to be able to solve my task with the right attitude, the right tools in the appropriate environment.  

The bad news is that far too little thought is given in companies and organisations to the way of working, that further education and organisational learning are weak and that people just continue as before.

It is a major transformation, design and communication task to develop the working methods in the direction of “New Work” – we would be happy to tell you more about it and support you with its implementation.

Contact regarding the subject

Holger Bramsiepe
Managing Partner

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