We shape the future success of our clients with interdisciplinary design services, individual consulting, unique methods and structured work processes.
Our mission: We turn our clients into future designers and thus create
the impulse and the structure for continuous and lasting success.
We shape the future success of our clients with interdisciplinary design services, individual consulting, unique methods and structured work processes.
Our mission: We turn our clients into future designers and thus create
the impulse and the structure for continuous and lasting success.
we think
In a complex and fast-moving time, companies need overview, navigation knowledge, future competence
and creative strategies to meet their challenges. With the help of our “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” your business can realise its goals in creating the product experience of tomorrow. The “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” with its’ advisory and strategic planning can help you build a brand that is holistic, customer-centered and above all forward thinking. Our recipe for success, is based on many years of experience with companies and organisations from different industries, our diverse design skills and an unbiased curiosity for new fields of development and solutions.

- Management consultation
- Organisation development
- Business model development
- Change management consultation
- Innovation strategy
- Future strategy
- Innovation management
- Brand development
- Content marketing strategy
- Portfolio strategy
- Product management
- Design management
we plan
Between strategic planning and the realisation of your project plans, we form an interlocking process with the development of brand and design models, customer-centred concepts and the design of new procedures and processes.
In the process, we support your teams in their respective areas of responsibility – product management and development, marketing, sales – we moderate, coordinate and design. Clear coordination and transparency in cooperation are crucial for successful collaboration with internal and external partners.

- Innovation processes
- Change processes
- Design mission statement development
- Corporate Design development
- Employer branding
- Design and communication strategy
- Design concepts and processes
- Coaching, Teaching
- Future Design Thinking
we do
You want to “put the horsepower on the road” and make the newly developed strategies and concept ideas tangible for your customers, with a finished briefing or without…
We see every challenge as a process that brings together the skills of all the designers, clients and partners involved to create new innovative solutions for your customers. Through our interdisciplinary teams of design, communication and media experts, we respond to your individual requirements with the highest quality and know-how to achieve the agreed goals. Creativity from the idea to the finished implementation. Target group-oriented, cross-media and efficient.

- Industrial design
- Interface design (UX/UI Design)
- Packaging and PoS
- Brand and product communication
- Online and offline communication
- Web and shop design
- Corporate communication
- Digital application design
- 3D animation and film
- Virtual photography (CGI)
- Real-time 3D, VR, AR
- Experience design
- Trade fair and showroom
we think
In a complex and fast-moving time, companies need overview, navigation knowledge, future competence
and creative strategies to meet their challenges. With the help of our “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” your business can realise its goals in creating the product experience of tomorrow. The “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” with its’ advisory and strategic planning can help you build a brand that is holistic, customer-centered and above all forward thinking. Our recipe for success, is based on many years of experience with companies and organisations from different industries, our diverse design skills and an unbiased curiosity for new fields of development and solutions.
Management consultation
Organisation development
Business model development
Change management consultation
Innovation strategy
Future strategy
Innovation management
Brand development
Content marketing strategy
Portfolio strategy
Product management
Design management
we plan
Between strategic planning and the realisation of your project plans, we form an interlocking process with the development of brand and design models, customer-centred concepts and the design of new procedures and processes.
In the process, we support your teams in their respective areas of responsibility – product management and development, marketing, sales – we moderate, coordinate and design. Clear coordination and transparency in cooperation are crucial for successful collaboration with internal and external partners.
Innovation processes
Change processes
Design mission statement development
Corporate Design development
Employer branding
Design and communication strategy
Design concepts and processes
Coaching, Teaching
Future Design Thinking
we do
You want to “put the horsepower on the road” and make the newly developed strategies and concept ideas tangible for your customers, with a finished briefing or without…
We see every challenge as a process that brings together the skills of all the designers, clients and partners involved to create new innovative solutions for your customers. Through our interdisciplinary teams of design, communication and media experts, we respond to your individual requirements with the highest quality and know-how to achieve the agreed goals. Creativity from the idea to the finished implementation. Target group-oriented, cross-media and efficient.
Industrial design
Interface design (UX/UI Design)
Packaging and PoS
Brand and product communication
Online and offline communication
Web and shop design
Corporate communication
Digital application design
3D animation and film
Virtual photography (CGI)
Real-time 3D, VR, AR
Experience design
Trade fair and showroom
At GENERATIONDESIGN people with high levels of expertise design your projects with great passion and determination. Our interdisciplinary teams combine the ability to solve complex problems with creativity and critical thinking.
With over 100 international awards; we have regularly received international awards for our services for many years.

GD Innovation-Roadmap®
The increasing complexity and speed of our world forces us to look at things in new ways and constantly confronts us with new challenges. In order to cope with these, you need an overview, navigational knowledge, future competence and creative strategies.
For a joint strategy development, we use our “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” to provide you with the necessary overview and perspective. The “GD Innovation-Roadmap®” is a visual method framework for a holistic view of business fields and for innovative future design. It combines knowledge, methods and processes from business development, innovation excellence, marketing and design in a unique way.
For our work on and with the "GD Innovation Roadmap®", we have been awarded the TOP100 Award.

Die Asset Analyse gibt uns einen Einblick in das Knowhow Ihres Unternehmens. Mit Hilfe der VRIO Methode schärfen wir Ihre Kernkompetenzen und Ihre Unique Selling Proposition.
The " Horizonte-Model" is the centre of our "GD Innovation Roadmap®".Here we combine the vision, the strategy and the operational activities in the " Horizonte-Model" to provide you with the necessary overview.
With the help of customer journeys, persona descriptions or target group profiles, we help you to identify customer needs and develop suitable solutions, services or products.
Derived from the megatrends, we develop future scenarios that describe a possible future for your customers and markets. Our knowledge of the likely changes in technology, ecology, politics, culture and the economy is incorporated here.
Die Asset Analyse gibt uns einen Einblick in das Knowhow Ihres Unternehmens. Mit Hilfe der VRIO Methode schärfen wir Ihre Kernkompetenzen und Ihre Unique Selling Proposition. Gap Analyse ist Ausgangspunkt der systematischen und objektiven Bewertung zur Optimierung Ihrer zukünftigen Entwicklung und Potenziale.
Die Roadmap ist Zentrum unserer "GD Innovation-Roadmap®". Hier verbinden wir die Vision, die Strategie und die operativen Tätigkeiten im Horizonte-Modell um Ihnen den notwendigen Überblick zu gewährleisten.
Nur wenn Sie die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden kennen, können Sie passende Lösungen, Services oder Produkte für Ihre Zielgruppen entwickeln. Mit Hilfe von Customer Journey, Persona Beschreibungen, oder Zielgruppen Steckbriefen helfen wir Ihnen die Kundenbedürfnisse zu ermitteln.
Den Blick in die ferne Zukunft wagen wir durch die Betrachtung der Megatrends. Daraus abgeleitet entwickeln wir Zukunftsszenarien welche eine mögliche Zukunft ihrer Kunden und Märkte beschreiben. Hier fließt unser Wissen über den voraussichtlichen Wandel von Technik, Ökologie, Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft ein.
We design and advise with great passion and pleasure. With us you will find a “colourful” mixture of professional competences and unique, likeable personalities. In interdisciplinary teams we are always fully committed to you and find the individual, suitable solution for your task. We see ourselves as a strong team and as your reliable partner with future prospects.
Mirela Djordjevic

Moritz Pieper


Jennifer Deal

Evelyn Stobbe

Tim Lackner

Bert Kemper

Dawid Knozowski

Jason Koster

Neugier ist unser Antrieb. Daher sind wir immer auf vielen Veranstaltungen und in Netzwerken unterwegs. In unserem Blog möchten wir Sie über unsere Aktivitäten rund um Design, Innovation und unser Team informieren.
IT needs design
IT needs Design – Deutschland braucht Gestaltungskompetenz für eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation. Das war Titel und Statement des vom Bitkom…
Moritzstraße 14
42117 Wuppertal
- +49 202 75 80 10-0
- office@generationdesign.de